
The Team

An idea is considerable if it stands up to scrutiny

Team Members

Dr. Robert Hänsel-Hertsch

Dr. Robert Hänsel-Hertsch

Principal Investigator

 I am a bio­chem­ist and pas­sion­ate about Gen­ome Bio­logy.

Dr. Joana Frobel

Dr. Joana Frobel

Post Doctoral Researcher

I am par­tic­u­larly in­ter­ested to un­ravel re­la­tion­ships of epi­gen­ome al­ter­a­tions and ge­n­om­ic in­stabil­ity for ac­cel­er­ated age­ing dis­eases.

Dr. Martin Gajarsky

Dr. Martin Gajarsky

Post Doctoral Researcher

I aim to combine my structural biology expertise with molecular biology and genomics to unravel the nature and the role of ultra short cell-free DNA.

Dr. Giulia Pizzolato

Dr. Giulia Pizzolato

Post Doctoral Researcher

I am interested in transcription factor biology and aim to dig into the complexity of transcription networks to provide new potential points of intervention for lung cancer therapy.

Pascal Hunold

Pascal Hunold

PhD Student

I am em­ploy­ing sys­tem bio­logy ap­proaches to de­cipher mech­an­isms of (epi)gen­ome struc­ture and sta­bil­ity for lung can­cer de­vel­op­ment.

Priscilla Piccirillo

Priscilla Piccirillo

PhD Student

I am very much interested in the study of biology since it is one of the best ways to discover something new about ourselves.

Anna Eva Koch

Anna Eva Koch

PhD Student

I am fascinated by the potential of Omics-based technologies to unravel the complex molecular mechanisms driving the process of ageing.

Lokapriya Dasarathan

Lokapriya Dasarathan

PhD Student

Its very smart of nature to use epigenetics as a controlling mechanism for gene expression and that's what I am utterly attracted to epigenetics in the first place. I believe epigenetics is a smart way to approach biological research.

Dalya Hiluf

Dalya Hiluf

PhD Student

I am interested in understanding the interplay between epigenetic modifications and genomic instability as well as their implications in aging and cancer.

Olivia van Ray

Olivia van Ray

Medical Technical Assistant

I really enjoy contributing to science and solving scientific problems. I've worked in neuroscience, immunology, and stem cell biology, now I am here to conquer genomics!

Donna-Lucil Sperber

Donna-Lucil Sperber

Master Student

Julia Popow

Julia Popow

Master Student

Coming soon…

Linda Hannak

Master Student

Want to join our Team?

Our team is at the be­gin­ning of its jour­ney and ex­cited to es­tab­lish an out­stand­ing lab cul­ture. We wel­come cre­ativ­ity and crit­ic­al thinkers with team spir­it to un­ravel fun­da­ment­al mo­lecu­lar de­term­in­ants of (epi)gen­ome age­ing and re­lated dis­ease de­vel­op­ment.


Dr. Sara Desideri

Dr. Sara Desideri

Alumni (Post Doctoral Researcher)

Marta Manik

Marta Manik

Alumni (Bachelor Student)

Lea Waffenschmidt

Lea Waffenschmidt

Alumni (Master student)

Thomas Akkermann

Thomas Akkermann

Alumni (Bachelor Student)

Dr. Michaela Höhne

Dr. Michaela Höhne

Alumni (Post Doctoral Researcher)