
The Team

An idea is considerable if it stands up to scrutiny

Team Members

Dr. Robert Hänsel-Hertsch

Dr. Robert Hänsel-Hertsch

Principal Investigator

 I am a bio­chem­ist and pas­sion­ate about Gen­ome Bio­logy.

Dr. Joana Frobel

Dr. Joana Frobel

Post Doctoral Researcher

I am par­tic­u­larly in­ter­ested to un­ravel re­la­tion­ships of epi­gen­ome al­ter­a­tions and ge­n­om­ic in­stabil­ity for ac­cel­er­ated age­ing dis­eases.

Dr. Michaela Höhne

Dr. Michaela Höhne

Post Doctoral Researcher

I am investigating changes in the (epi)genome of tumors and their microenvironment by employing bioinformatics approaches.

Dr. Martin Gajarsky

Dr. Martin Gajarsky

Post Doctoral Researcher

I aim to combine my structural biology expertise with molecular biology and genomics to unravel the nature and the role of ultra short cell-free DNA.

Olivia van Ray

Olivia van Ray

Medical Technical Assistant

I really enjoy contributing to science and solving scientific problems. I've worked in neuroscience, immunology, and stem cell biology, now I am here to conquer genomics!

Pascal Hunold

Pascal Hunold

PhD Student

I am em­ploy­ing sys­tem bio­logy ap­proaches to de­cipher mech­an­isms of (epi)gen­ome struc­ture and sta­bil­ity for lung can­cer de­vel­op­ment.

Priscilla Piccirillo

Priscilla Piccirillo

PhD Student

I am very much interested in the study of biology since it is one of the best ways to discover something new about ourselves.

Anna Eva Koch

Anna Eva Koch

PhD Student

I am fascinated by the potential of Omics-based technologies to unravel the complex molecular mechanisms driving the process of ageing.

Lokapriya Dasarathan

Lokapriya Dasarathan

PhD Student

Its very smart of nature to use epigenetics as a controlling mechanism for gene expression and that's what I am utterly attracted to epigenetics in the first place. I believe epigenetics is a smart way to approach biological research.

Coming soon…

Donna-Lucil Sperber

Master Student

Want to join our Team?

Our team is at the be­gin­ning of its jour­ney and ex­cited to es­tab­lish an out­stand­ing lab cul­ture. We wel­come cre­ativ­ity and crit­ic­al thinkers with team spir­it to un­ravel fun­da­ment­al mo­lecu­lar de­term­in­ants of (epi)gen­ome age­ing and re­lated dis­ease de­vel­op­ment.


Dr. Sara Desideri

Dr. Sara Desideri

Alumni (Post Doctoral Researcher)

Marta Manik

Marta Manik

Alumni (Bachelor Student)

Lea Waffenschmidt

Lea Waffenschmidt

Alumni (Master student)

Thomas Akkermann

Thomas Akkermann

Alumni (Bachelor Student)