
Deciphering (Epi)Genome structure and stability

Laboratory For Genome Biology

Our lab ex­plores the ex­ist­ence and sig­ni­fic­ance of epi­gen­ome struc­tur­al al­ter­a­tions and its im­pact on dis­ease de­vel­op­ment. Hence, the struc­ture of the gen­ome may sig­ni­fic­antly change with age and disease development, such as can­cer or de­gen­er­at­ive dis­eases. Ad­di­tion­ally, we are ex­plor­ing wheth­er defined age- or can­cer-re­lated epi­gen­ome struc­tur­al al­ter­a­tions are of dia­gnost­ic and thera­peut­ic value.

Selected Publications

*contributed equally